September 6, 2022

Update - September 2022


Hey all!

Despite the silence on this blog for most of the year, I am, in fact, still alive. (Woohoo!) And I wanted to tell you about some cool stuff I have going on.



I’m starting up private consultations again! I’d gotten away from doing them for a while but I’m back in the saddle, so if you need personalized help customizing your low-carb or keto diet, I’m your gal! See here for details. 



I just expanded what I offer on Patreon. If you appreciate what I do – Keto Without the Crazy™ -- an approach to keto diets where there’s no alarmism, no fearmongering about things like artificial sweeteners and canola oil, and there’s no shaming and judging for doing keto the way that works best for you, then please check it out. 

There are a few different subscription levels, but all of them include at least two LIVE video sessions with me every week. (And they’re recorded so you can watch the replay at your convenience if you can’t be there live.) They’re the perfect way to ask questions and get support for long-term keto success. Cheerleading, encouragement, tips & advice, and the occasional reality check or gentle kick in the rear when you need it – all for the purpose of helping you get the results you want. Additional perks include exclusive patron-only content, early access to my videos, and more. 

See here for details on Patreon. 



Since it’s been almost A YEAR (holy cow!) since my last writing update, here are some articles that I’ve written since last September that might be of interest to you. All of these were written for the blog from a company called Biotics Research. There’s no byline, but I am the author. I’ve written about most of these topics here on my own blog in the past, but these are more succinct and might also include links to more recent research. They are intended for medical and nutrition professionals but I think they’re “plain English” enough for anyone to be able to understand and learn from. Scroll down or click "read more" to see them all. 

Top 5 Keto Diet Mistakes

Keto is pretty great and is darn near miraculously effective for a host of chronic health issues—assuming you do it correctly, that is. So what are some of the biggest mistakes people make that might stand in the way of them getting the results they want? Read the article to find out. 

Medication Awareness with Very Low Carb Diets

Going along with what I said above, keto works. It works so well, in fact, that in some cases, certain medications need to be reduced or stopped within days of adopting this way of eating. (The most important ones are insulin, select other diabetes drugs, and certain drugs for high blood pressure.) Failure to do so could mean that someone is over-medicated and might end up in a situation with dangerously low blood sugar or blood pressure. This is bad juju, to use the scientific term. Keto is awesome, but we want people to do it safely! Read this article to learn about the critical importance of adjusting medications in people following a low-carb or keto diet. 

Can Fiber Worsen Constipation?

If you have constipation, should you eat more and more and MORE fiber? Increased fiber intake is a common recommendation for constipation, but what if that actually makes it worse? 

Insulin Resistance & Parkinson’s Disease

Is there a link between insulin resistance and Parkinson’s disease? There might be! Research is being done now on the use of diabetes drugs to treat Parkinson’s, so the experts must think it’s at least looking into. Fascinating stuff. 

Carbohydrate Restriction & GERD

If you suffer from heartburn (also called acid reflux) or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), do you need to stop drinking coffee and cut spicy and say goodbye to spicy and acidic foods, like tomatoes and chili peppers? For most people, the answer is no. What if it’s not these things that cause heartburn – what if it’s actually the carbs? 

Rethinking Red Meat’s Seat at the Table

Even after losing weight and putting longstanding chronic health problems into remission, some folks still have lingering worries about whether it’s safe to consume red meat or cured/processed meats (sausage, bacon, etc.), especially with regard to risk for colon cancer. Time to let those doubts go and move forward enjoying those things free of the doubts and fears. 

A1C Shortcomings

Have you ever had a hemoglobin A1c test (HbA1c) and been a bit surprised—or maybe even scared—by the result? Try not to ever become alarmed by any one number all by itself, in isolation. Remember: your health is a mosaic; you cannot understand or appreciate the full picture by looking at just one tile. This article explains why HbA1c is sometimes a little higher than you would expect it to be on a low-carb/keto diet—and why it’s not always automatically a problem. 

Insulin Resistance & Erectile Dysfunction

Fellas! (And the women and men who love them!) Having trouble getting it up? Little soldier won’t stand at attention anymore even though you’re still attracted to your partner and you want to be sexually active in that way? Could elevated insulin be the problem? Read the article to find out.  

Understanding (and Using) the CAC Scan

If your LDL-cholesterols is high, should you be worried? Does it automatically mean you have cardiovascular disease? Not exactly. Did you know that the amount of cholesterol in your bloodstream tells you nothing—nothing at all—about the amount of plaque in your arteries? That’s right! A “high” cholesterol level does NOT mean you have “clogged arteries.” The coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan is a better way to assess the degree of calcification in your coronary arteries. (There are lots of folks with very high LDL-cholesterol but no atherosclerosis whatsoever.) Learn more in this article. 



 And last—but most definitely not least—two articles on thyroid.

If you’ve been following me for a while now (and especially if you watch my YouTube videos), then you know that if there’s something in the world I’m even more passionate about than low-carb diets, it’s thyroid. (In fact, I’m working on my next book now, and it’s going to be all about thyroid! It won’t be a keto book at all, just thyroid.)


Thyroid Testing is Often Not Enough

Have you had your thyroid tested and your doctor told you it’s normal? That there’s nothing wrong? Has this happened to you even though you have multiple signs & symptoms of low thyroid and you’ve been feeling like doo-doo for a long time? This article will help you understand why—and what to do about it. (This video is essential viewing for anyone in this situation!) 

Is there a Link Between Thyroid & Depression?

In my own personal thyroid saga, I’ve experienced numerous signs and symptoms, but the most debilitating—by far—was depression. I lost a few years of truly living (not just merely surviving)—not to mention a beloved romantic relationship—to this dreaded emotional darkness. Read this article to learn more about the connection between depression and low thyroid, and how some doctors are using high-dose T3 medication to give patients with depression their lives back.   

If you have long suspected you have a thyroid issue but you’ve been told over and over that your thyroid is normal – or if you already know you have a thyroid problem and you’re even taking medication for it but you still feel awful and are still living with most of the same signs & symptoms you had before the medicine, then please, please watch this video. I think it will be very informative for you—and my heart goes out to you big time, my thyroid sisters and brothers! (This is the same video I linked to above, but it’s worth doing it again.) 




Disclaimer: Amy Berger, MS, CNS, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition and is not to be used as a substitute for the care and guidance of a physician. Links in this post and all others may direct you to, where I will receive a small amount of the purchase price of any items you buy through my affiliate links.


  1. How does Keto relate to Osteoporosis?

    1. I'm not aware of any research looking specifically at this issue, but the 2 most important things for building and maintaining bone mass are dietary protein and strength training. So, to the extent that you might be eating more protein on a keto diet than you were before, it can be helpful, but as far as I know, there's nothing specific about a ketogenic diet that will rebuild bone mass. Again, focus on dietary protein and build muscles -- the bones that *support* those muscles will get stronger because they need to be stronger.

  2. Are you aware of a ground breaking study by Dr. Dean Ornish that shows lifestyle changes (including whole food plant based diet) has a positive effect on early alzheimers - A randomized, controlled clinical trial study directed by lifestyle medicine pioneer Dean Ornish, MD, FACLM, founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute, demonstrated for the first time that an intensive lifestyle intervention, without drugs, significantly improved cognition and function in many patients with early dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
