We’ll get into the gory details soon. But as
Sam Beckett said in the final episode of one of the greatest TV shows of all
time, Quantum Leap, “Instead
of ‘once upon a time,’ let’s start with the happy ending.’” I started thyroid
medication in January 2017 and here’s what’s happened since then: I’ve lost 17
pounds. My chronic constipation is gone. My hair no longer falls out in alarming clumps daily. My
severe, longstanding, and unremitting depression is 89% gone.
This medication has been nothing short of
life-changing for me. I still have a ways to go in several respects, but let’s
just say that the reason I’m writing about thyroid at all is because, having gone through this experience, it is now almost
like a religious mission to me to provide whatever information and help I can
to people who are currently, right this minute, feeling as awful as I felt
until recently. And I kind of hate saying that. I am as far from a religious (and
low carb) zealot as a person can be. And yet, I now feel a compulsion to
educate people so they can help themselves.
As passionate as I am about the myriad benefits of low carb, and as much as
I sometimes want to grab people at the grocery store and talk some sense into
them, that is now far eclipsed by my fervor for proper thyroid assessment and
There’s so much to cover, I don’t know where
to start. If you come to my blog for sensible information on low carb and
ketogenic diets and don’t give two hoots (or even one hoot) about my thyroid
odyssey, skip the rest of this post and wait until next time, when I’ll be back
to posting my usual fare. On the other hand, if you suspect you have a thyroid
problem, or you know you do and your
medication is not getting you where you want to be, this is for you, my dears.
You’re not alone.
WHY Hypothyroid?
I’ll start with the obvious, I guess. Do I
think a low carb diet led to my thyroid
problems? Unlikely. I was never at a severe, long term
caloric deficit. I exercise regularly, but nothing that would be considered
excessive – not even close. (In fact, if anything, my thyroid trouble got worse
as did less exercise.) Plus, my diet
hasn’t been ultra low carb in many
years, as I do have dietary excursions now and then that may or may not involve
ice cream, Nutella, and other such edible sins. Even so, I pop in and out of
ketosis here and there, but over the last few years I have not intentionally maintained
a steady state of super-strict-ultra-uber-deep ketosis for more than a few
weeks at a time. (I am, however, fat-adapted.)
So I cannot at all put myself in the category of people I mentioned last time, for whom a very low carb diet might contribute to low thyroid:
chronically undereating, over-exercising, and very stressed out. None of those
applied to me.
I don’t know
why my thyroid is wonky, although as time has gone and on and I’ve learned ever
more about this all, I have my suspicions. I do know that, short of a whole-house
filter that would remove fluoride from my drinking and shower water, I tried
just about everything to get things going right. I assure you, medication was a
last resort. Knowing what I know now, I wish I had gone for it right off the
bat, but that’s not my style. I didn’t want to take medication. I still don’t. I want to figure out why
my thyroid gland isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do on its own, and fix that. Ultimately, that’s still my goal.
I would like to not have to take these meds for the rest of my life. If I have
to, I will. As I said, they’ve been life-changing. But there’s a reason my thyroid isn’t working
properly, and I still intend to find out what it is.
The thing is, based on my lab tests, the
problem isn’t with my thyroid gland at all. It’s my pituitary. I mentioned in part 1 that in many cases of hypothyroidism,
TSH—produced by the pituitary gland—is high. (TSH is high, but T3 is low: TSH
is knocking, but nobody’s home, so to speak.) In my case, TSH was low. So
it’s no wonder my T4 and T3 were low: my pituitary wasn’t even giving my
thyroid the signal to make hormones.
(BTW: when my doctor saw my numbers, she gasped and said, “Amy! No wonder you feel so awful!” As I sat there practically in
tears…) The problem is, no one seems to
know quite what the heck to do for a pituitary problem, so lest I go on feeling
like absolute garbage for the rest of my life, I had to deal with the thyroid
situation in the meantime. (Allow me to say, though, that I wonder what else my pituitary isn’t pumping out.
Growth hormone? Is this why I never seem to gain muscle, even when I’m lifting?
I mean, honestly, WTF? This is somewhat terrifying, but I’ll spare you the
details and just stick with thyroid for now.)
As I said, medication was a last resort. I
tried to help myself. I tried for a very long time. (Longer than I should have,
in fact. Had I given up and gone for the meds sooner, I could have spared
myself a lot of grief and about 15
pounds of fat gain.) With what I know about this stuff, I expected that I would
be able to help myself, and I spent
several years and thousands of dollars trying to do so.
Before I get into the 47 zillion things I
tried in my quest to help myself, here are the hypothyroid signs & symptoms
I experienced. (Bold means it was severe.)
- Depression*** (This one gets bolded and three asterisks, because it was beyond severe.)
- Hair loss
- Constipation
- High cholesterol (I can’t be sure whether this was due to hypothyroid or if I am perhaps a hyper-responder to saturated fat in my diet. Most likely just hypothyroid, as the highest I’ve seen my total cholesterol was 288 and the hyper-responders are often in the 300s or 400s and higher. Plus, several years ago, when I was eating plenty of saturated fat but didn’t have hypothyroid symptoms, my cholesterol usually ran 175-220 – not abnormal at all for a healthy woman.)
- Low resting heart rate
- Low blood pressure (Usually in the range of 90-something over 60-something, but it was once measured at 88/58 when I was about to donate blood. They turned me away that day, even though I felt fine. The lab tech assured me I would pass out if he took a pint of blood from me.)
- Frequently cold
- Weight gain
- Inability to lose weight (even with my habitual low carb diet and exercise)
- Edema/water retention – especially in the lower legs (my ankles looked like tree trunks, when I’d had very shapely legs for most of my life, before this all started)
- Fatigue (only toward the very end of my ordeal)
No one who knows me well would ever, ever describe me as happy-go-lucky,
optimistic, or a free spirit with a positive outlook. I’ve always been a bit
melancholy, quiet, and dark. I kind of enjoy it, actually. I’m fairly certain
it makes me a better writer. So I’ve always been a gloomy kind of person, but
the depression I experienced for the last 2-3 years was orders of magnitude
worse than anything I’d ever experienced. As I mentioned in part 1, I knew all along that my depression wasn’t
“all in my head,” and that thinking fake, phony positive thoughts was going to
do fuck-all absolutely nothing to help me. Allow me to emphasize: if you are experiencing depression rooted
in a measurable biochemical or physiological/hormonal imbalance, then no amount
of talk therapy or time in a psychologist’s office is going to help you. You
need to actually correct the underlying
causative problem. (There are probably a couple million people taking
antidepressants to no avail right now, because what they really need is thyroid
I’d been dealing with these symptoms for years, and tried a number of things to
help myself. I tried iodine. I tried selenium. I tried thyroid and pituitary
glandulars. I had been rejected for blood donation due to low hemoglobin 3 or 4
times in the past couple of years before I serendipitously learned about the crucial role of iron in thyroid hormone synthesis
while I was researching something unrelated. So I added iron. I did an organic
acid test and tried things based on that. The list goes on. Bottom line: I
tried many different protocols. I’ve been to professional seminars; I’ve read
books. This wasn’t amateur hour. It’s not like I started out not knowing
anything about any of this. And yet, nothing worked.
Actually, everything
worked, but only temporarily. I hit upon a few different combinations of
supplements, foods, and behaviors, all of which had an immediate and
significant positive impact on my symptoms. Unfortunately, these improvements
typically lasted for about three or four weeks. I suspect that even though they
ultimately proved not to be what I
needed, hitting my body hard with a new combination of nutrients and other
interventions was enough of a shock to my system (in a good way) that it had to
have some impact, even though it didn’t
actually correct the underlying problem. Each time, I would feel noticeably
better and hang my hope on having found THE
THING. And about three weeks later, I was back to feeling as awful as ever.
I mentioned in part 1 that I would explain why
I waited nearly seven years to go
after medication. The truth is, I didn’t.
and Missteps
After conceding that all the effort I’d put
toward helping myself with food, supplements, and other changes had failed me, about
two years ago I went to an MD to see about starting medication. (Actually, I
didn’t see the MD; I saw the physician assistant, but she seemed knowledgeable
and genuinely listened when I explained my history.) The PA started me on ½
grain of Nature-Throid®. (Nature-Throid® is dessicated pig thyroid and contains T4, T3, and naturally occurring co-factors. Your guess is as good
as mine on how they standardize these powdered pig thyroids into precise doses
of the hormones.) What the heck is a half grain, you ask? Good question.
Thyroid medication is measured in wacky ways. Depending on the kind of
medication, it’s measured in micrograms or “grains.” What, precisely, the hell?
(It’s like women’s clothing. What the heck is a 6? Or a 14? Why can’t we use
inch measurements, like they do with men’s clothing? Instead, we’ve got these
useless numbers that tell us nothing. A size 12 in one store might be more like
a 14 in another, or closer to a 10 in a third. Oh, the joys of womanhood. But I
I was so
happy to finally have a bottle of thyroid medication in my hands that I
never questioned what kind of dose a half grain was. In hindsight, this was a huge
mistake. I had assumed that I was given this dose based
on my labs. And maybe I was, but there was a lot—a lot—more to the story, which the PA never told me.
I took the medication for a month (the
prescription being for 30 days’ worth) and felt no difference. No difference whatsoever. I was as
depressed, constipated, chubby, and balding as ever. So I assumed the
medication simply didn’t work for me. I should have gone back to the doctor/PA
and asked for a higher dose, or a different kind of medication. Instead, I did
what I counsel people against doing
all the time: I just sat there, resigned to my fate.
Well, not really. I continued pumping money
and time into researching and implementing other strategies, until I lost the
will to keep this up. I stopped caring. And that’s when I developed a symptom I
hadn’t had before: physical fatigue. Despite the hair loss, the constipation,
the weight gain, edema, low heart rate, depression, and all the other stuff I’d
experienced, the one big classic hallmark of hypothyroidism I didn’t have was fatigue. Until I did.
And that’s when I got worried. I’m normally
not a “bursting with energy” type of person, but I’ve always been able to get
through the day, get my work done, go to the gym, hang out with friends, do my
laundry, and whatever. But I got to a point where I needed to take a nap in the
afternoon. I work from home, make my own schedule, and have no children, so
being able to take a nap any time I please is a luxury I can indulge in. But
I’d never had to before. This feeling of heaviness, of lethargy, was very odd for me. And when it began to interfere with
my ability to make a living, that’s when I got serious about tackling this once
and for all.
About a year and a half passed in between the
time I tried the half-grain of Nature-Throid® and when the fatigue finally
pushed me to do something about this
again. My other symptoms had worsened during this interim period. All of them
worsened, but the depression, hair loss, and weight gain became the most
severe. (I didn’t start gaining weight until about 2 years ago, even though I
was clearly dealing with hypothyroid long before that. I can only assume that
following a low carb diet kept my weight in check. My guess is that had I been
consuming a standard American diet, I probably would have gained much more
weight, and gained it sooner.)
Hormone to the Rescue!
Cue the triumphant orchestral music!
Picture it: Washington, DC, 2016. (Much less
exciting than “Sicily, 1945…”)
Knowing that I could not live one more day
feeling the way I was feeling, and armed with my test results in hand, I went
to my trusty naturopath—someone I’ve worked with in the past, and who I very
much like and respect. (She’s even referred some patients to me for nutrition.
Sweet!) I also brought along a spreadsheet with my historical thyroid
measurements, so we could look at the patterns and see that this was, in fact,
a very longstanding issue that, over time, had become completely debilitating.
Enter the hormones!
The dose of hormone I’m taking now is not
relevant to anyone but me, but in an
effort to help anyone out there who needs this information, I’ll tell you how
we figured out how much I needed: My doctor started me on 50mcg of T4
(levothyroxine, generic for Synthroid®) and 5mcg of T3 (liothyronine, generic
for Cytomel®). Her instructions were to stay with the 50mcg of T4 daily, and
start with 5mcg of the T3. I was to take 5mcg of T3 daily for about 3-4 days,
and if I didn't feel any better, increase it to 10mcg for 3 days or so, then
15mcg -- basically, increase the T3 dose by 5mcg every 3-4 days until I noticed
I felt better. When I felt good, that was
the dose I needed.
Armed with these instructions, a couple of
weeks in, when I had increased the dose slightly but still wasn’t feeling any
different, it finally—finally!—occurred
to me to try and find out what the conversion was between equivalent doses of “grain” measurements of Nature-Throid® and micrograms of liothyronine. WELL! I
discovered that the half grain of Nature-Throid® I’d been on was basically nothing. I might as well have swallowed
air. A half grain is equivalent to 19mcg of T4 and 4.5mcg of T3. 4.5mcg – when
my ND started me out at 5mcg as the teeny, tiny starter dose, knowing I would
likely need more. (And I did – much
more.) 4.5mcg – are you f*cking kidding me?! I’m on over ten times as much as
that now. NO WONDER I felt nothing on that stupid half-grain. (See
note at the end of this post for an update on my current dosing.) I should have
gone back to the PA. I should have explained that I’d taken the meds for an
entire month and felt no different. (And with the way thyroid hormone works, it
isn’t something that would have taken weeks or months to exert an effect,
assuming it was going to exert an
effect. It should have happened within days.) I just didn’t know any
better. If my doctor/PA had instructed me on incremental dosing the first time
around, I could have spared myself three more years of increasing weight gain,
constipation, hair loss, and crippling depression!
this point, allow me to tell you that as bad as the testing is for thyroid function, the treatment might be even worse. Many hypothyroid patients are given
Synthroid®, which is T4-only. I cannot tell you how angry this makes me. As I mentioned in part 1, I’ve had numerous clients come to me “on thyroid
medication,” yet they still feel awful. 99% of the time, they are taking
Synthroid®. Again, far too many doctors are clueless
when it comes to treating thyroid dysfunction. They assume that if they
give you T4, your body will magically convert it into exactly the amount of T3
you need and all will be dandy. Take a big fat guess as to how often this is
the case. For whatever reason, some people’s bodies don’t make this conversion all that well. (If they did, these women wouldn’t come to me
still depressed, still overweight, still fatigued, still cold…) For some
people, T4 is not enough. You must, must, also be on T3. Remember, T3 is the
more potent and bioactive form of thyroid hormone. Navigating the choppy waters
of thyroid treatment is so fraught with sh*tty doctors that your best bet is to
do your own research, and I wholeheartedly recommend Stop the Thyroid Madness – both the website and the book, which has the wonderful
title: Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment.
Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
So what dose of T3 did I arrive at? How many
micrograms were required to bring me back to life? Again, dosing needs to be
individualized, so the amount I’m taking is not relevant to anyone but me. That
said, I’m on the highest dose my doctor has ever prescribed for anyone. (And if
you do the math from when I said I’m on over ten times as much as 4.5mcg, then
you know I’m on at least 45mcg, and
I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s actually a little higher than that.
[Again, note on this at the end.]) I’m still on just 50mcg of T4, but I’m on a very high dose of T3. My doctor is
actually a little nervous about it, but I assured her that I feel like life is
worth living for the first time in years.
There’s still room for improvement, and I’ll get to the details on that in a
minute, but overall, I am much, much better.
So that’s the good news. Is there any bad news?
Has there been anything negative about the medication? Indeed, my friends,
there has.
I had been on my ultra-high dose of T3 for
several weeks and felt great. But then I started noticing some signs of being a little too high,
which my doctor had cautioned me to watch out for. The most disturbing of these
symptoms was a hand tremor. I also had muscle weakness. (During the worst of my
depression, I slacked a great deal on weightlifting. When I finally got myself
back in the gym, my grip was giving
out sooner than the muscle group I was actually trying to work. [For example,
with a deadlift or a bicep curl, my hands
became exhausted before the larger muscle group, and I would have to drop
the weight. I knew I had lost muscle strength because of not having lifted for
several months, but the grip thing was very strange for me.]) Also, I became klutzy
and clumsy. I’m usually very coordinated and never trip or drop things, but I
started dropping things like crazy. I spilled my coffee. (Egads!)
Other signs of being on too high a dose included skipping a period, and having
a fast heart rate. I didn’t notice the heart rate during the day, but it was
hard not to notice it when I was
lying in bed trying to fall asleep.) I lost weight, of course, (about 17
pounds, with zero change to my diet
and exercise, by the way) and I was finally pooping regularly, but these seemed
like positive outcomes, as opposed to
the hand tremor and muscle weakness.
I was feeling great, but there were obviously
some weird things going on, and I couldn’t deny that I was probably on too high
a dose of T3. I’ve decreased my dose a little bit and those weird things are
gone. I suspect I needed to be on a kind of “therapeutic” dose for a little
while in order to correct the longstanding deficiency, but then I had to come
down to a lower “maintenance” dose more suitable for the long term. Unfortunately,
I am starting to feel some of my old symptoms come back a little, so it seems
to be a very precarious balancing act between continuing to get the wonderful,
life-altering benefits of this medication, but not experiencing the detrimental
effects of going too high.
Aside from everything I’ve learned about
thyroid treatment, specifically, have I learned anything else? Anything that is
of personal value to me, or professional value in my practice?
You bet your sweet bippy I have.
I have come to realize that we have a lot less
control over our weight than we think we do. I’ve written about this before—particularly the role of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and thyroid in establishing the metabolic rate. This cannot be emphasized enough: some people have fast metabolisms, and some
of us have freakishly slow ones. If you don’t believe this, then you have never
met anyone with a serious thyroid or pituitary problem who eats well, exercises
like crazy, and still cannot lose any damn weight. We all know people who eat a
ton of garbage, never exercise, yet are thin and bursting with energy. And we
know people who fit the opposite description. Now you know why. You cannot diet and exercise your way out of a hormonal
imbalance that has far more control
over your metabolic rate than anything you can do with conscious effort.
Please note that this is not free license to
eat crap all the time and move your body as little as possible. What it is, is an explanation for all the people
out there currently dealing with similar hypothyroidism/hypopituitarism as I am,
or some other hormonal issue that is in the driver’s seat of their body weight,
energy level, and moods. It is not your fault. You
don’t need to “keto harder.” You don’t need to fast. You don’t need to do high intensity interval training. You need help
with your hormones! Maybe you are
iodine deficient, anemic, or low on selenium. If so, these things are very
easily remedied. But if you’ve tried everything you can think of and you still
(But if your diet is crap and you never move
your body, then yes, you might give some thought to making some changes there.
I’m not saying diet and exercise have no influences on our health and physique.
I’m saying only that if you have a big honkin’ endocrine imbalance, it might be
impeding the effects your diet and exercise might otherwise impart.)
What else is going on?
I am now more convinced than ever that I need
to find a way to address the pituitary side of things, because seriously, the
thyroid gland isn’t the only thing the pituitary affects. I have a strong
suspicion that the reason my body shape pretty much never changes, no matter
how much I lift, is because my growth hormone levels are probably off, and
maybe they have been for as long as I’ve had hypothyroid symptoms. This makes
me somewhat furious, as I feel like the hours…the days…the years I’ve spent in the gym have basically been for nothing. (Not
nothing, I know. I’m healthy and I’m fit, but what I am not, and have never
been, is lean and muscular. I am
tired of looking at people with beautiful physiques and feeling “less than,”
even though I eat well and lift weights. I’m tired of feeling like there’s
something wrong with me and that I somehow don’t “deserve” to look a certain
way, or to feel a certain way in my own skin. I’m tired of not looking like I
know a damn thing about nutrition.)
What about the constipation?
This went away pretty quickly after arriving
at my proper dose of medication. As I wrote about way back in the poop post, if you’ve never experienced severe and longstanding chronic
constipation, you cannot appreciate what a blessing it is to have regular bowel
movements. And not just regular BMs, but regular BMs without resorting to high-dose
magnesium citrate and vitamin C powders, potassium supplementation, or
over-the-counter laxatives. Damn, it feels good to just GO.
What about the depression?
In the midst of all else I’ve experienced with
this pituitary/thyroid mess, obviously the depression was the worst. So how’s
that going now? Like I said, it’s about 89% gone. I’ll always be mostly a pessimist
and a gloomy-gus. I am me, after all,
and even thyroid meds can’t rewire my fundamental programming. This medication
won’t turn me into someone else, but in terms of general outlook on life and
mental and emotional energy, things
now are like night and day compared to where I was this time last year. A good
friend once asked if I thought my depression was situational or biochemical. I said
it was 85% biochemical and 15% situational. Now, I would reverse that. Now, the
biochemical “stuff” has been mostly cleared up, and what’s remaining is for me
to take action to improve my personal and professional lives. So the truth is,
I am still a tiny bit depressed, but that has less to do with a physiological
imbalance and more to do with why anyone might
be depressed, such as issues with one’s career, living situation, love life,
So that was way more than anyone ever wanted to know about my pituitary and
thyroid issues, but there you have it. I do hope this helps someone. If I had
known about the incremental dosing of thyroid hormone, perhaps I could have
saved myself the very worst of the experience. And had I understood earlier
that this was a pituitary problem, rather than one specific to the thyroid, I
would have known that iodine, selenium, iron, and whatever else was mostly a
waste of my time and money. But having gone through it, I can be grateful that
I might be able to help someone else.
P.S. I wrote this post a few months ago,
and—surprise, surprise—things have changed in that time. I’ve significantly
altered the type and dose of medication I’m taking. Thank goodness, the depression and constipation remained resolved.
My physical and emotional energy remain high, but my hair is falling out again,
big time. My weight has fluctuated a
bit, some of which is likely thyroid related, and some of which is just the
consequences catching up with me for…well, having eaten a lot of garbage during
the past few months that I should not have eaten. (Oh, you thought this was the
blog of some sort of low carb saint who never, ever lets things get the better
of her and eats things and quantities she’s ashamed of? Sorry. Wrong blog.)
Aaaaaanyway, bottom line: around July, I
started feeling kind of bad, with several of my symptoms returning. I was
understandably terrified, petrified worried that this medication was no
longer working for me. If my body was building up a tolerance, or the meds were
no longer effective for some other reason, I was pretty much at the end of my rope. I had no idea what I was going to do if that were the case. I absolutely,
positively could not go back to how I felt before the medication. Fortunately,
I stumbled upon this beautiful gem of an article about being over-medicated on thyroid medicine, and it seemed to describe my
situation: I was on a very high dose of medication, and “paradoxically,”
instead of experiencing signs & symptoms of hyper thyroid, I was back to feeling signs & symptoms of hypo.
SO: I’ve been messing around with my doses for
the past few weeks. I've made some pretty substantial changes and I'm feeling undeniably better on all counts. All counts, except hair loss. I’m still
losing an alarming amount of hair daily, but everything else—the depression,
constipation, edema, lethargy, fatigue—is gone. So, for now, I’ll take what I
can get. And if anyone has actually made it this far and you’re interested in
the meds/dose I’m on now, feel free
to email me privately, or maybe I can write a part 4 to this series – just a
short addendum with an update on this crazy saga as of November 2017.
Disclaimer: Amy Berger, MS,
CNS, NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a medical
practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition and is not to be used as a
substitute for the care and guidance of a physician. Links in this post and all
others may direct you to amazon.com, where I will receive a small amount of the
purchase price of any items you buy through my affiliate links.
Thank you Amy for your honest words taken direct out of life. I can relate to all of it. I also started a combo medication after some years of just t4. Was like seeing the light in the tunnel. And my adrenals were so happy :-).
ReplyDeleteBut perhaps I overreached? Perhaps I stressed myself too much? Or it's something else. Didn't care to be over medicated so I lowered the dose. Alas fatigued and somewhat depressed again. But this time it goes better when I take care of myself :-). It's not a frustrating no ending phase. So I am grateful for all good days and take the bad ones as reminder to take care.
And that's what I wish for you. Take care bc you are valuable. <3
Thanks, Petra. I wish you the same -- FEELING WELL! Such an easy thing to take for granted, unless you know how it feels to *not* feel well for a long period of time.
DeleteAmy, have you tested your reverse T3? It binds to the receptors that accept T3 and thereby prevents T3 uptake into the cells. Evolutionarily speaking, reverse T3 allows our bodies to slow our metabolic rates in extreme conditions like starvation, but reverse T3 excess occurs often at suboptimal T4/T3 medication mixes.
ReplyDeleteLike T3, reverse T3 is made from T4. If you have more T4 than you need, you'll tend to overproduce reverse T3. You might have excess T4 for the obvious reason - levothyroxine dose too high - or you might have excess T4 because T3 conversion is dampened by a too-high liothyronine dose. Also, as high reverse T3 is corrected, previously tolerable liothyronine doses will induce hyperthyroid symptoms. Unfortunately, this complexity means that finding the right doses for both of your medications may require substantial trial, error, and testing.
One possible dose discovery process is described at http://www.misslizzy.me/when-normal-thyroid-treatment-isnt-working-it-could-be-rt3/, and you can access a community of people interested in this issue via http://www.rt3-adrenals.org/.
Yes, I've had T3 tested. Thanks. I wrote about the *comprehensive* thyroid panel in part 1, including rT3, so I'm aware of what it is and what it does. This doesn't seem to be an issue for me, but all this thyroid stuff is so damn complex. I do think I have imbalances elsewhere that are contributing to the pituitary issues, but my rT3 is not elevated. As I write about all the time, though, lab values should only be a *guide,* and not the sole determinant of the treatment protocol. Thanks for this, though. Still always good to hear reinforcing things.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you might have a telogen effluvium; your body shuts down old hair follicles and grows new ones after a health insult. The website DermnetNZ has a good article - put telogen in the search box.
Thank you for your blogs. I like how you explain things.
Dr Barb Panitz, Gladstone, Qld, Australia
Thanks, Barb. Yes, hypothyroidism is listed as a cause of telogen effluvium. But I wonder why this hasn't remedied itself yet, since all my other symptoms are vastly improved. Maybe it just takes more time, but it's alarming how much hair I am still losing. :(
DeleteThanks for telling us your continuing health saga. We all want the perfect formula for us, but it sounds like the formula is a moving target.
ReplyDeleteI keep reminding myself to thank my wonderful body for constantly working to improve itself, even though I may not be seeing the results I'm expecting. My body gives me clues but I'm not always good at reading those clues. (Even when I get the clues, I don't always know what to do about them!)
So I also will keep reading, making changes to see what works for me, and after reading your article, remember that this is an ongoing effort so I won't be surprised if what worked yesterday doesn't work today.
After hearing your story I'm encouraged to take this all as a continued learning experience instead of a pass/fail exam. That thought lowers my stress level which is a big plus towards helping my body work easier.
Keep letting us know how things are going for you.
Hi Amy: Thanks for all the great work. I was wondering if you have had any experience with the Wilson Temperature Protocol (www.wilsonssyndrome.com) which basically says, manage basal body temp as the point of entry into treatment. In my case I am male, low normal in thyroid numbers, have hashi's antibodies at 35-40, have a "nodule/mass" in the thyroid (being "watched" by my endo), am all in with the low carb stuff for the last 5 years or so and have consistently low body temp and all the symptoms that go with that. The endo literally had no treatment option to propose for the hashi's. Finally, it's fascinating how 20th century medicine is getting obliterated by the internet collective of citizen activists such as you. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteHey John,
DeleteI've heard of the Wilson Temp Protocol. (In fact, my ND suggested it for me, but I haven't looked into it yet.)
When did your Hashi's symptoms start? Did you have this prior to low carb, or is it something that developed after you'd been on the diet for a while? (Sometimes people inadvertently under-consume total calories for too long, and the thyroid can be affected that way.) Honestly, some people seem to do a little better with more carbs. (Heresy, I know.) Are you super-ultra keto, or more just "low carb?" Are you currently taking anything for the thyroid? The endo gave you *nothing* useful? Jeez. I bet you're so glad you pay all those insurance premiums, right? What a great use of that money.
You might want to check out Isabella Wentz's books:
1. https://www.amazon.com/Hashimotos-Thyroiditis-Lifestyle-Interventions-Treating/dp/0615825796/
2. https://www.amazon.com/Hashimotos-Protocol-Reversing-Thyroid-Symptoms/dp/006257129X/
I don't know why links never seem to work in the comments section on my blog, but you can just copy & paste those into your browser.
Thanks for the response; I've been around this profoundly gratifying "nutrition matters" community for more than 15 years; seems to me the keto thing is quite overdone at this point, I focus on being fat adapted but like going to the Caribbean for a vacation, I love it but don't really want to live there (you gotta have potatoes in clam chowder, duh!). I'm at ideal weight and very fit but not a zealot. Big unknown is whether the hashi's is a lifelong thing; I wouldn't doubt that I have had that for decades. Thus for all I know when antibodies were detected the level might already have been massively reduced just by getting systemic inflammation under control. Inflammation status, insulin status and (very important) happiness status, all so critical.
DeleteI'm very aware of Dr Wentz' online stuff and will circle back into that. Meanwhile, you are one of the very few stars in my panorama of health internet-istas and I appreciate your honesty always. -jd
Thanks Amy. Great series.
ReplyDeleteI have a grandson with severe hypothyroidism so am interested in everything you say here, although not just for that reason.
I also have a work colleague with no pituitary due to surgery for a prolactinoma. Many complications. Did you have prolactin measured in your various panels? A less severe prolactinoma than would require surgery can cause pituitary problems.
Prolactin is also one of the types of protein which cause amyloid problems.
Hey Adam,
DeleteYes, I almost forgot about that. I did have prolactin measured, and it was normal. But I wonder if it's possible to have a pituitary issue that affects TSH but not some of the other hormones. Who knows. My cycle is mostly regular, to that seems to imply that "most" of those feedback loops are functioning. When I really think about it, I do suspect this is long-term stress related, and if that I make sleep my #1 priority for a few months, I'd probably shock myself with the physical and emotional changes/improvements that might happen. Now, just to *do that.* I don't know why I like to stay up so damn late...
I have a feeling if I had a severe pituitary/hypothalamus issue, I'd probably have been much sicker than I was, and have other symptoms related to some of the other hormones. (I do think I have low growth hormone, though, but that could actually also be related to inadequate sleep, since GH pulses most while we sleep...I think.)
I had to go "outside my network" - paid out of pocket for consultation/labwork w/an NP whose stated area of interest was "Hormone Replacement"... (I was wondering how much of my hypo-T like symptoms were the result of menopause or WHAT?)
ReplyDeleteLong story shortened - since all my thyroid numbers were Within Normal Limits (as they pretty much have been all these years after my thyroidectomy, except for a few times I've pushed myself into mild hyper-T symptoms with oversupplementation), of course he recommended that I start taking not only estrogen, but low-dose testosterone & progesterone as well. That did not go well - when the estrogen gave me hot flashes (which had NOT been one of my complaints), I discontinued the extraneous hormones & continued as I have been these past 2 years on Synthroid alone. (My reverse T3 was normal BTW)
Last year my magnesium & Vit D levels were low, so I do feel better on those supplements. I must resign myself to miserable cold intolerance, brittle fingernails, thin hair, & other hypo-T symptoms which are accentuated each winter.
Amy, I am wondering if you looked into Armor, which is both T4 and T3 and if so, why you chose two medications instead of one. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI worked with my doctor to choose the path we both thought would be best for me. I don't recall exactly why we opted to use the synthetics, but I do remember there being a reason. I know plenty of people who have success with Armor, so I think it's just a matter of finding what's right for the individual. I am very happy with how things have been going for me so far. I still have to experiment with my doses, as it seems to be a kind of "dance" with being too low and then going too high. I've found a nice in-between for now, where most of my symptoms are gone and I feel better than I have in years, but something's still not quite right, hence continuing to play around with the doses. But I suspect that would be the case with Armor as well.
DeleteThanks a lot for this post, Amy. I would also recommend Barbara Lougheed's book Tired Thyroid: From Hyper to Hypo to Healing - she busts some myths that are very popular in the thyroid community and provides extremely valuable insights.