LANGUAGE. Read at your own risk.
Anyone out there watch
Ancient Aliens? If so, you are probably cracking up right now. If not, you’re
scratching your head, because you have no idea why this is funny. (Trust me,
though, it’s hilarious.)
Seriously, though, the answer
is not aliens. I might not know for
sure what the answers are, but I’ll
provide my best guesses/hunches.
What are the questions? Here goes:
It’s no secret that I am
trying to get the word out about Alzheimer’s disease as a “disease of civilization” – that is, a condition that results
from the mismatch between our physiology and the modern Western diet (refined carbohydrate-heavy,
vegetable oil-heavy, low in micronutrients), and the modern Western lifestyle
(inadequate sleep, inadequate physical movement, too much psychological stress,
loss of human emotional connections). As of 1/18/2015, the post I wrote pointing folks toward the article I wrote for the Weston A. Price Foundation, has 1470 views. Not all
that many, considering the one on Vitamin J has 13,512.
(If I could get Mark Sisson to include the Alzheimer’s post in one of his Sunday Weekend Link Loves, maybe it would have more, since, thanks to a reader and
friend who alerted the MDA people to it, that is where the vast majority of hits came from on Vitamin J.)
But word is spreading, if slowly. (In fact, someone is launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund a documentary about preventing Alzheimer’s, called Bread Head.) More people here and
there are stumbling onto my blog, and finding the Alzheimer’s article, which is
nice. One such newcomer left some very good questions in the comments section. They were good enough—and my answers
complex enough—that I thought it would benefit more people if I answered in the
form of a blog post, where everyone would see it, versus responding in the
comments section, where almost no one would.
Before we get started, though, I’d like to share a link to a study that shows mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease are, in fact, reversible. You can find out how this was accomplished by reading the study, but the nutshell version is, they did much of what I recommend for this specific purpose: reduced carbohydrate intake, increased MCT intake & ketogenesis, reduced stress levels, increased exercise, added vitamin D, omega-3, and antioxidant supplementation, and increased sleep. As Robb Wolf likes to say, “It’s almost like this stuff actually works.”
To put everything all in one
place right here, here are the comments/questions this astute reader left. My responses will
follow, in the longest blog post in the history of the Internet.
seem to make a good case of the fact that AD could well be caused by
hyperinsulinism in the periphery and hypoinsulinism in CNS because of a BBB
becoming insulin resistant. Glucose glycates in interstitial fluid, forming
AGEs, inducing apopstosis. Okay, I get the picture. I won’t challenge this. But I
do think you make some conclusions without any proofs.
you say that AGEs induce lipid peroxidation, thus implying that too much carbs
is bad. What about exogenous AGEs formed by heating meat? I mean, I am an
‘animal protein lover’ (to say the truth, I don’t remember the last meal I had
without any animal proteins), but we have to be honest and look at the whole
my main problem is not there. It’s about your conclusions and your
recommendations to prevent (not to treat) AD. Ok, let’s, for the sake of the
reflection, take for granted that insulin resistance is a major risk factor for
AD. Then, we have to look at how to prevent IR through our lifestyle. Good, I
still follow you. You make 6 recommendations which are:
Cut the refined carbohydrates
Balance your omega 6/omega 3 ratio
Increase cholesterol and saturated fat intake
Increase your antioxidants intake
Increase vitamins and minerals
Increase physical activity (or movement as you would say on your blog)
to say about 5 and 6. I’ll shut up (for those!) But as I am not the type of guy
who swallows everything that is told to him without questioning, that’s what I
will do for 1-4.
What do you consider ‘refined carbohydrate’? Low GI pasta (38)? Whole baked
potato (85) or even wild rice (87)? What’s the definition of ‘refined
carbohydrate’? We have examples of ancestral tribes eating a good share of
carbs as part of their diet and not developing AD. I personally (but I don’t
know a …. about this) think that the problem with carbs is not carbs per se,
but what SOME of these carbs lack: antioxidants and nutrients. Lots of carbs? I
think some/most of people’s body can handle them. No nutrients and antioxidants
to help regulate glucose uptake and your whole hormonal system? NOW we have a
problem. Anyway, do you mean the same as I with ‘refined carbohydrate’? If so,
then I don’t think we should have a nationwide recommendation to cut on carbs,
simply to get them from better sources (whole foods). And yes, I do think that
properly prepared grains DO offer benefits. Whole-freshly-stone-ground-organic-sourdough
rye bread (GLUTEN…) is an example.
Balance your omega 6 / omega 3 intake. Well, again, I don’t think the problem
is the amount of omega 6. I would say that the problem might be the lack of
omega 3 in one’s diet (no matter how much O6 he or she gets) and the already
rancid O6 found in heavily transformed or heated vegetable oils. I don’t think
eating an avocado salad with nuts and olive oil dressing is bad because of O6
content. Again, just my humble opinion based on studies I’ve come across. (No,
sorry, I don’t keep them in a folder for citations).
Increase cholesterol and saturated fat intake. Here, I must say that I would
LOVE you to be right. As I said, I love meat, butter, I make my own tallow and
lard. BUT, let’s look at the evidence. A 2008 meta-analysis seems to clearly
show that SFAs tend to decrease insulin sensitivity (Dietary fats and
prevention for type 2 diabetes: Risérus, Willett, Hu). O6 vegetable oils?
Opposite! Sad, I know. Does that mean I cook with soybean and corn oils? I
can’t, I don’t have those and don’t want them at home. But, evidence seems
clear. Even without a caloric surplus. Even considering other lifestyle
factors. Even blah blah blah… I know, really sad!
Increase your antioxidant intake. Again, from the (tiny) amount of things I’ve
read, I’ve concluded (not definitely, I never stop challenging my own views)
that antioxidants are good within foods. Not as supplements. You need to give
your body the tools to build its own proper armour and use it whenever it's
know, long comment, sorry. But I would GREATLY appreciate if you could answer
my five questions/comments (the one about AGEs and the 4 about insulin
resistance). My wife has AD history in her family and I would like to help
their parents get the best advice possible. But I’m not sure that telling them
‘Increase your saturated fat and cholesterol intake, drop these oils, cut on
potatoes and move more’ is necessarily the best advice. Improvement? I guess
so. BEST advice? Not convinced. I hope that together we can come to a better
and clearer conclusion.
I wasn’t kidding when I said
these were good questions, worthy of a deeper exploration than I wanted to
leave in the comments section. I’ll address each of the four points in turn. I
must say upfront, however, that most of this is just my opinion. My hunches,
based on my (at times limited) knowledge of biochemistry and physiology. I
certainly don’t know everything, but I feel confident in saying I know a little
something more than the average person on the street. Whether that means my
thoughts are worth anything at all is for you to decide.
I have already discussed in
detail my thoughts regarding carbohydrate tolerance. See this post on my blog, and this guest post I wrote for Robb Wolf. Much of what I am going to say now is
similar to what I said in those, except I have a bigger attitude now, hehheh.

Here’s the deal, as I see it,
with regard to carbohydrate tolerance:
Some of us are born with
compromised carbohydrate tolerance. I am not trying to “blame” anyone, but some
of this has to do with the fetal environment. If you don’t believe me, look
into the work of Robert Sapolsky, author of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, and you will gain an appreciation for just how
strong the influence of maternal hormones and physiological state is upon the
offspring. The fact is, some of us start out in life already a bit behind the
rest of the pack. We will likely never
be able to consume the same amount of carbohydrate—or possibly even total “calories” as someone who was not born behind the metabolic curve.
We now have babies regularly
being born at birth weights far heavier than in the past. We have heavier
babies, and we have obese toddlers. Barring inborn genetic errors of
metabolism, this was nearly unheard of a century ago. Do these toddlers just
need to eat less and move more? Do they need more "willpower?" Do we need to put them on a low-fat diet and
get them onto baby-sized treadmills, so they can crawl ten miles a day? Hardly.
This is a HORMONAL ISSUE. In the U.S., most jarred baby food is entirely
carbohydrate: pureed/mashed apples, sweet potatoes, bananas, peas, carrots, etc., not to mention the grains that tend to be early weaning foods, too: rice cereal, cream of wheat, and, not long after, Cheerios. I’m
not saying these foods are devoid of nutrients (of course they’re not); I’m
just pointing out that they are almost entirely carbohydrate. We are very, very
far away from the times when mom (or dad) would take “real people food” – meat,
vegetables, what-have-you, chew them up in their own mouth, and then put them
into baby’s mouth. There never used to be “baby food.” Babies ate largely the
same things adults ate; the food was just pureed or “pre-chewed,” so as to
prevent choking. (Outside the small contingents of new parents raising their babies on Paleo/Primal/WAPF-type diets, very, very few Westerners are weaning their babies from breast milk onto coconut oil, gently cooked egg yolks, pureed liver, etc. Most people are giving their babies fruit juice and commercial [carbohydrate-heavy] baby food.)
Anyway, my point is, owing at
least somewhat to the hormonal and metabolic environment in utero, some babies enter the world already predisposed to have glucose and insulin signaling problems,
and predisposed to store, store, store energy upon consuming even a "reasonable" amount of carbohydrate.
What about adults? Some of us,
of course, are born very robust, and are raised on good, natural, whole-foods
diets, and do plenty of running around in the fresh air and sunlight during our
formative years, so that, as we age, we tend to stay pretty robust. We can eat potatoes, rice, bread, fruit, an
occasional piece of cake or handful of cookies, no problem.
Then, there are those of us
who are born very robust, but after
30, 40, 50+ years of physiological and metabolic abuse at the hands of the
modern Western diet (and lifestyle), we do not have the same degree of carbohydrate
tolerance as someone who did not
spend decades overconsuming carbohydrates and accumulating all sorts of other damage through stress, inadequate sleep, too little (or too much!) exercise, etc. There are people—and I believe I am
one of them—whose metabolisms are so
compromised, that they get to a point where a low-carb diet is the only way
they can keep their blood glucose and insulin at healthy levels.
Through diet & lifestyle
changes, some people will be able to
repair themselves to the point where they can
increase the amount of carbohydrate they eat. Some won’t. Some might have done so much damage for so long, that
they’ve backed themselves into a metabolic corner, so to speak, and the only
way to keep it from getting worse is through medication and/or a drastic
diet—for the rest of their life.
I’m not saying this needs to
be ketogenic. For some people, it might. For others, just keeping total carbs lowER is probably enough. And for these
people—the ones who “must” keep carbs low-ish, my suspicion is that this
applies to all carbohydrates, whether
we’re talking about marshmallows, or potatoes, or rice, or Cadbury crème eggs,
or kidney beans. But this should, of course, be individualized. People
should invest in a blood glucose meter and see how these things affect them. I
don’t test as often as I should, but I seem to do better with tubers than with
grains. Maybe someone else will notice the opposite about themselves. (And yes,
I certainly do recognize the different physiological ramifications of a large
soda versus a few ounces of parsnips, or a bowl of cherries.)

What else might influence carbohydrate
How about genetics? Let’s
take an Inuit man, give him a pair of swimming trunks, and drop him off in
Hawaii. Is he going to thrive on coconut, pineapple, and papaya? If we take a Polynesian
woman, give her a bunch of nice, warm fur coats, and drop her off in the Arctic
Circle, is she going to thrive on seal meat and marine blubber? I think they’ll
survive, but THRIVE? That, I don’t know about. There is no doubt: we can all survive at ketogenic levels of food intake, and we can all survive on large amounts of grains and
beans. But thrive? Feel our best? Be in optimal health? I don’t know. (I’ll
refer you again to my post on the carb controversy. Please do not tell me that I, Amy, can look and
feel my best, get and remain lean, and be in my best state of health, by
consuming lots of fruit and starchy tubers, because that’s what the Kitavans
do. I AM NOT A FREAKING KITAVAN, thankyouverymuch.
And please don’t go telling a
Pacific Islander he/she can be in optimal health by consuming little to no
carbohydrate, and instead, eating lots of milk, yogurt, cheese, beef, caribou,
and elk. Their metabolic ancestors were not dairying people, nor would they
have been consuming the types of animal foods more prevalent near the Arctic Circle.
People seem to agree that the
number of copies of AMY1, the gene
that codes for human salivary amylase (the enzyme that begins converting starch
to glucose in the mouth) influences people’s carbohydrate tolerance. This seems pretty
non-controversial, though it’s a fairly complicated issue. See the following articles
for more on this, if you’re interested:
- Diet and the evolution of human amylase gene copy number variation
- Genetic influences on carbohydrate digestion
- Myths of Paleo, Part Three: The Amylase Gene
Based on variance in lactase
gene persistence, skin pigmentation, and possibly even eye color, we know (or,
rather, we think/believe) that the
environment really does have an
influence on how genes are expressed. So, looking back at the amylase gene
thing, why doesn’t anyone ever mention variance among human beings in the
number of copies of genes that code for enzymes involved in ketogenesis or
gluconeogenesis? Isn’t it possible that evolution and dietary environment have conditioned some groups of people to
be better able to thrive at ketogenic levels of food intake for long periods of
time, while other groups really do “require” more carbohydrate to be their
best? What about genes that code for any of the other enzymes involved in digestion & metabolism? Could these
influence the different proportions of macronutrients people thrive on? I don’t
think research has been conducted yet in this area, but my suspicion is YES.
Also: Seriously, why do
people get so up in arms over this damn carbohydrate stuff? Just because
someone else says they “need” more
carbohydrates than you do, why does that threaten your precious little
ketogenic worldview so much? Why do you care what anyone else eats? And vice-versa:
if someone claims they feel like a total physical and intellectual badass on
less than 30g of CHO a day, why argue with them? Like Liz Wolfe says, “Eyes on
your own plate!” Unless someone is claiming that the way THEY eat is the way YOU
need to eat—and the only way all of humankind should eat, who gives a
you-know-what what anyone else is chowing down on? Call me crazy, I JUST. DON’T. GET. IT. If your life is so hunky-dory that you have nothing more
significant to concern yourself with than how much butter or how many sweet
potatoes someone ELSE eats, then you,
my friend, are damn lucky. Go get
your pastured pork, your biodynamic cauliflower, put your blinders on, and
leave the rest of us the hell alone.
2. AGEs
(Advanced Glycosylation End Products)

Do food-source AGEs that pass through the GI tract, from mouth to anus, and do not directly interact with the rest of
the body, have the same detrimental effects as the ones that form inside us, and lock onto arterial walls
and neurons? (Remember, items inside the GI tract are considered “outside” the
body.) My guess—and it is just that—my guess—is
no. (When we eat blueberries, we don’t
turn blue. The pigment from, say, raspberries, doesn’t make itself known
through our skin. Our bodies have ways of processing things that come into
them, and I suspect the external AGEs
don’t have the same pathological end points as the ones that are created
endogenously, largely as the result of chronically elevated blood glucose.) If
you’re about to tell me about carotenosis,
wherein the skin turns orange when freaky people eat ridiculously large amounts
of carrots and other carotene-containing foods, yes, this happens. That is an extreme example of people being weirdos,
and I don’t think it applies to non-wacko people eating grilled food.
If someone is especially concerned about consuming pre-formed AGEs, no problem. They can cook everything low & slow: steam, use a slow-cooker, boil gently, etc. Don't let anything they cook ever turn brown or...*gasp*...black. You can also marinate foods pre-grilling in antioxidant-rich herbs, like rosemary or cilantro, which supposedly reduces the formation of AGEs. Me, I'm gonna enjoy some grilled & roasted food, with some steamed & boiled food, some raw food, and while I'm at it, I'm also gonna try and enjoy my life.
Omega-3 and Omega-6
The commenter brought up a
good point about the omega-3/omega-6 issue. Is the problem with the modern diet
that the ratio of 6 to 3 is so
heavily skewed in favor of 6, or is it the absolute amount of 6, regardless of its ratio with 3?
I don’t know. (*Hangs head in
Sorry. I am a nutritionist,
not a clairvoyant. (But hey, at least you know I’ll never BS you.) I’m not
saying no one knows; only that I
don’t. But based on what I do know
about the biosynthesis pathways for eicosanoids (the fatty acid-based signaling
molecules derived from n-6 linoleic acid and n-3 alpha-linolenic acid, as well
as the elongation of n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]), here is what I suspect. Just my speculation:
The n-3/n-6 thing is a
numbers game. They compete for enzymes in these pathways. (This much is not my speculation. They do compete for the same enzymes.) I think it’s
important to aim for a ratio of 6-to-3 of no more than 5:1. (Yes, this is
higher than some of the Paleo literature recommends. If you can get
yourself more in the neighborhood of 3-4:1, then GREAT. But considering the standard American diet is upwards of
20:1, then a ratio of 5:1 or, really, even 6
or 7:1, would still be a huge improvement, and would likely go a long way toward
cooling inflammation and improving all the other gnarly things that 20:1-ish
ratio is associated with. [IN MY OPINION.])
The ingestion of pre-formed EPA, DHA, AA, and other elongated fatty acids probably has an effect, too. (If you are ingesting pre-formed DHA, then you don’t have to worry about the conversion from ALA. Same with arachidonic acid.) But even then, there are still conversions that take place further along the pathway, as you can see in the diagram:
![]() |
Graphic courtesy of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
SO, regardless of the ratio, I
think the absolute amount of 6 can probably tip the scales toward the 6
pathway. Here’s the thing: both omega-3 and omega-6 are essential fatty acids. BOTH OF THEM.
But our requirement for them is actually very small. So I don’t think it’s wise
to just eat as much 6 as you want and balance it out by loading up on 3. (This
isn’t so different from telling a diabetic to eat as much carbohydrate as they desire and just take more insulin, right?)
In terms of food consumption,
you really don’t need to go out of your way to get 6. It’s everywhere. Even if
you avoid soybean & corn oils, and the other major sources of n-6 in the
modern American diet, you'll still get plenty from vegetables, meats
(especially poultry), and, of course, nuts & seeds. I eat a lot of nuts,
myself, but I don’t make any “Paleo treats,” that call for cups and cups of
almond flour. Even grass-fed meat will still have n-6 in it, AS IT SHOULD.
(Remember, n-6 is an EFA. So stop being terrified of it already. But we are talking very small amounts anyway, since beef is mostly saturated and monounsaturated.)

Saturated Fat & Cholesterol

- The case for not restricting saturated fat on a low carbohydrate diet
- Limited effect of dietary saturated fat on plasma saturated fat in the context of a low carbohydrate diet
Yes, these are only two
articles. Yes, I am cherry-picking. Want to provide more data? Want to be more “balanced?”
Start your own blog! (This is not directed at the commenter. It’s directed to everyone
reading this.) ;-) Better yet, offer me lots of money so I can quit my day job and stay home doing nutrition research all day!
I don’t necessarily advocate
eating a ton of saturated fat and cholesterol.
In terms of Alzheimer’s disease prevention and potential reversal, what I am trying to emphasize is that there
is no need to go out of our way to avoid
these nutrients. (Yes, they are NUTRIENTS.) Many people with Alzheimer’s
(or other forms of cognitive impairment) have been following the standard
nutritional guidelines for decades. They come from the generation(s) where “doctor
knows best,” and if doctor says you should eat only egg whites, swap butter out for margarine, ditch red meat in favor of
skinless poultry, and only use fat-free dairy products, then many of these
folks did exactly that. (They are not the types to question authority and buck “conventional
wisdom,” as so many in the Paleo/Primal/WAPF communities tend to do.)
Saturated fats and
cholesterol are critical parts of human physiology and metabolism. If someone
prefers to cook with olive oil, rather than tallow, no problem. But they don’t
have to order the egg white omelet at the diner, or buy fat-free yogurt and
reduced fat cheese, for cryin’ out loud.
There might be one situation
in which I would actively encourage slightly
increased consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat, and that is in
attempting to reverse Alzheimer’s disease that is somewhat severe and
longstanding. When we have a person
whose brain is damaged and starving to
death, we need to feed and nourish it. I don’t think it would be a
terrible idea for this person to have a (full-fat) coconut milk smoothie with a
couple raw egg yolks mixed in. A sat fat/MCT and cholesterol infusion! This person
should also probably be eating vegetables sautéed in lard, bacon fat, or coconut oil. This person’s
brain is suffocating, and we’ve got to open a window and let some air in for it, STAT.
(Again, only my opinion. One
thing I can tell you will NOT improve severe dementia is f*$#ing crossword
The last point the commenter
wanted me to address is antioxidants. I do not think loading up will-nilly on
antioxidants is a good idea. Oxidation is one of the processes by which
our immune systems neutralize invading pathogens. So we do want some oxidation to occur, at the right
times, and in the right places. In fact, we can’t
really have “zero” oxidation. After all, the number one source of free radicals
(pro-oxidants) in the human body is the human body itself. (See this post about reactive oxygen species, in the cancer series,
for more details.)

I believe in the strategic use of supplements—be they
antioxidants, omega-3s, vitamins, minerals, or dessicated glandulars. There can
be a “ramping up” period, during which we try to make someone’s body replete
with whatever the substance is. (Assuming they needed more of it in the first place.) This is a “therapeutic dose,”
and it’s usually pretty aggressive. We want to get the levels up to where we
want them, relatively quickly. (Although not so quickly that we overwhelm
somebody’s system and induce some other sort
of problem.) After that, we dial things back to a “maintenance dose,” which is
lower, and may be titrated even lower over time, as the person’s own body heals
and repairs, and generally starts doing what it needs to do all on its own.
(With certain conditions, of course, lifelong supplementation and/or
pharmaceutical medication might be warranted, but in general, the goal should
be to get to NONE NECESSARY. And maybe, on occasion, if things get a little off
track, they can start up the supplements again as a short-term band-aid, until they get a handle on their diet &
lifestyle again.)
One last point: I would like
to emphasize what I stressed in my post on Robb Wolf's site: the diet and lifestyle strategies that I
think might--MIGHT--reverse Alzheimer's are not necessarily required to prevent
it from occurring in the first place. Setting off a bug bomb in your house will
kill your insect infestation, but there were probably much less drastic ways
you could have prevented the infestation from occurring in the first place, capice?
finally, since so much of this is not settled, and is really only my guesses
and intuition, I’ll leave you with this thought:
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
Hi Amy,
ReplyDeleteI first want to thank you for the (really) quick and detailed response you have provided to me and to every single reader of your blog. It's much appreciated.
You once again prove how balanced and nuanced you are in your approach to diet and health. Most of what you wrote rings sound and true to me (then again, I'm no more knowledgeable in this domain than you!) When I'll have more time time (you know, I also have a full-time job and I don't spend every damn minute of my life on PubMed!), I hope I can provide you more detailed thoughts and questions on the issues we've put forward. The time and energy you spend replying me at deserves it.
Again, thanks a lot. In the meantime I will continue looking up links you put up (those I hadn't read before) and reading on different subjects that could help us get a better picture of AD prevention.
Honestly, for prevention, I think it's actually fairly straightforward, simple, and non-invasive. (Not "easy," but simple...those are not the same, hehheh.) Maintain good insulin sensitivity (using whatever amount or types of carbs are "suitable" *on an individual basis*, get some sunlight, lots of fresh air, enough sleep, enough physical activity without *overstressing* the body in the absence of adequate rest & recovery. Eat real food (again, to one's individual carb tolerance...which, for some people, could certainly include grains, and could certainly include gluten!) -- in essence, be a Homo sapiens! Get the dietary & environmental inputs humankind has come to expect & require, and try to avoid prolonged exposure to the ones it *doesn't.* (She says, as she types this sitting under a light, in front of a computer screen...) In short, if we don't "break ourselves," then we don't have to find ways to repair ourselves. :) And don't forget hugs...and love...human contact. All that boring vitamin J stuff. :P
DeleteAlso, I hope it was clear that nothing in this post was directed specifically at *you.* (So any time I said the word "you," it was directed at the *general* you. The "royal you," as I sometimes say.) So I really (really!) hope you didn't take offense to anything I've said here. And I owe you a thank you, actually. Your questions pushed me to get my thoughts out there on a few issues I'd been meaning to tackle for a while now.
DeleteHey there,
DeleteI found this post about AGEs from Chris Masterjohn and thought you'd be interested in it. I've only skimmed it so far, but it looks fascinating. I'll read it in full later tonight.
Thanks for the link, I had already read it twice (not saying I understood and little part of it each time!) Now I must say that with my 'updated knowledge', I did understand maybe one more notion. Not bad!
DeleteSeriously, it is indeed really interesting, I remember also reading his post on gluthatione and finding it as useful as this one. I also remember that after reading this piece I did some research and found new studies saying the opposite: that dietary AGEs do increase the amount in the blood (and not just before being evacuated in urine. I might have to look again (when I'll have time...)
Thanks again!
Excellent post, as usual. My "n of 1" experiment has shown me to be one of those people you talk about who started out normal but got metabolically broken probably by my mid-twenties. Now at 44 I eat a VLC ketogenic diet. Three times a year I have a planned cheat lasting one day. Each time my blood glucose goes up by 20-30 points and stays high for roughly seven days. I don't think I'll ever be able to increase my carb count without serious consequences. My A1C records going back a decade don't show scary numbers, so it isn't as though I was an undiagnosed diabetic. But clearly I was heading that direction.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog (refered her by an fellow Active low carber, Liz) and was thrilled to see you passion re: Alzhiemer's. My 84 YO mom finally has a diagnosis and, at sixty-something, I am trying to avoid following in her footsteps! I read the UCLA study that managed to reverse the symptoms in 9 out of 10 patients in the study this past September and have been motivated to try and follow it on my own. I will be combing thru your blog for more help!
thank you in advance as this is as important to me as it is to you.
:-) Glad you found it. I think low-carbing is instrumental to warding off AD. It's no guarantee, of course, but there's no doubt in my mind AD is largely a brain glucose metabolism problem. Is your mother in her own home, or is she in a care facility or someplace like that? If you or another caregiver can manage her food supply (and some environmental factors), you might be able to help her a little bit, even at that advanced age.
DeleteShe was moved into assisted living this Fall after a health crisis. They are the best in her small town and have recieved national recognition for not using psych drugs in their memory care. BUT they could not get a two week non-dairy trail done so I have little hope that they could go low carb. Last week we got a diagnosis of pulmenary hypertension so that might bring a quick end than anticipated. kind of a good news/bad news thing I think. I can only hope to avoid AD myself at this stage.