Being that I have far more personal experience
with this than I wish I did, and being that I’ve had several clients with
thyroid issues, it’s time for me to write in detail about thyroid function.
I’ll start off with a general overview of thyroid function and how to properly assess
the various hormone levels. In part 2, we’ll look at the potential effects of
low carb or ketogenic diets on thyroid function, and in part 3, I’ll talk
specifically about my own history and what I’m doing now. Those of you with no
interest in any of this, move along; nothing to see here. (I do feel like I
write too much about myself, but I think sharing my personal experience can be
informative for those who are dealing with similar problems and who’d like to
see the struggles and stumbling blocks I encountered, and how I emerged on the
other side feeling much better. So yeah, part 3 will be about me, but my hope
is that it will be helpful for others.)
On with the show!
When a client comes to me and tells me they’ve
been on thyroid medication for years, my first question is always, “Do you feel any better?” The answer, of
course, is usually no. If they were feeling better, they wouldn’t have
come to me in the first place. These people (almost always women) typically
feel like dog poop. They can’t lose weight no matter how good their diet is,
nor how diligently they exercise. They’re tired, they’re depressed, they’re
cold all the time, their hair is falling out, and they just plain feel like
I don’t know why I’m the one who asks them if they feel any better. One would think
their doctor would be the one to ask, no? And why do these people just sit
there, continuing to feel crappy, instead of asking their doctor for help? Call
me crazy, but if someone is on medication for a specific problem with very
clear signs & symptoms, and those signs & symptoms have not resolved,
then the medication is not working, and
they should tell their doctor so. This isn’t rocket science. If you’re reading
this right now, and what I just said describes you—“on medication” for a while,
but still feeling awful—then you need a different medication, a different dose,
or both. Don’t be a passenger in the
vehicle of your own health and wellbeing. Don’t just sit there, along for the
ride. Take an active role. Nobody wants you to feel better more than you do. (Here’s a tragic story of what happens when you blindly
follow doctors’ orders, particularly when your doctors are morons.)
Based on what I already knew about thyroid
function, plus my own experience, plus the presentation of clients who’ve
come to me, I’ve come to the conclusion that thyroid hypofunction is insanely
under-diagnosed. And when it is
diagnosed, the vast majority of MDs (including endocrinologists) have NO CLUE
how to treat it effectively. There is a vast, vast amount of suffering going on
out there for NO REASON other than doctors are not savvy enough in the details,
and most patients are not aware that they need to stand up for themselves, be
their own strongest advocate, and tell their doctor that even though they’ve
been “on thyroid medication” for however many weeks, months, or years, THEY
So this post is dedicated to anyone out there
who feels this resonates with them. I sincerely hope you find this information helpful.
Role of Thyroid Function in

I cannot emphasize this
enough: the resting metabolic rate is responsible for the vast majority of
calories we burn—or, rather, energy we
utilize—regardless of how much
food we eat or how much exercise we do. (I wrote about this here.)
If your thyroid is sluggish, it will be
a struggle to lose body fat no matter how strict your diet and how diligently
you exercise. If your body’s “thermostat” is simply set too low, your entire
metabolism will be sluggish, no matter what you eat and how much you move. You cannot exercise your way out of a
slow metabolic rate due to low thyroid. You won’t burn anywhere near as much
energy on a treadmill or in a weight room in 1 or 2 hours a day as your body
will use all by itself the other 22-23
hours of the day just keeping you alive—assuming your metabolism is not set
to super-slow mode. (More about this in the post I linked previously, and also here.)
Owing to its critical role in
metabolism and the efficient functioning of myriad processes in the body,
reduced output of thyroid hormone results in an overall slowdown that affects
just about everything.
Signs & symptoms of low thyroid:
- Weight gain (and/or inability to lose weight)
- Hair loss
- Constipation
- Depression, apathy
- Fatigue
- Cold hands and feet
- Dry skin
- Hoarse voice
- Loss of the outer third of the eyebrows
- High cholesterol (total and LDL)
- Low blood pressure
- Slowed heart rate
- Edema (water retention; especially in the lower legs – to the point where, by the end of the day, your ankles look like tree trunks)
Considering the effects of
thyroid hormone on metabolism, these are no surprise. Everything in the body slows down: the heart rate, generation of
heat, and even the movement of waste through the colon. Thyroid hormone is
required for proper functioning of the LDL receptor, so that’s why LDL accumulates
in the bloodstream when thyroid hormone is low. I was
going to say that a sluggish thyroid has physical and mental/psychological effects, but based on my own experience
(which, admittedly, might not be representative of everyone else’s), I can say
that the mental and psychological effects are
physical—or, rather, they’re biochemical. My depression absolutely had/has its
origins in a hormonal and physiological dysregulation. For me, depression was
NOT “all in my head,” and I couldn’t just “smile and cheer up,” or “look on the
bright side,” because it was being driven by an underlying physiological
abnormality that needed to be corrected. (More on this in part 3.) The point
is, the physical body slows down, but even your thoughts and emotions slow down. And you can’t talk-therapy your way out of it because these terrible thoughts
aren’t something you’ve fabricated for no reason. They’re not imaginary. They
have a biochemical/hormonal basis. At
best, you can fake it until you (and your doctor) actually correct the underlying problem.
So that’s hypothyroidism. But
what about people whose thyroid gland is on overdrive? Hyperthyroidism is much less common than hypo, but it’s not
unheard of, and these folks often get left out of discussions of thyroid
function so I don’t want to ignore them. Plus, some people—particularly those
whose thyroid issues are autoimmune in nature—tend to ping-pong between hypo
and hyper, so it can be difficult for them to get a proper diagnosis.
Signs & symptoms of overactive thyroid:
- Rapid heart rate, palpitations
- Increased appetite
- Sudden & unexplained weight loss (even when eating the same amount of food, or increasing food intake)
- Nervousness, anxiety, irritability
- Tremor; trembling in the hands and fingers
- Sweating
- Increased sensitivity to heat
- More frequent bowel movements – maybe even diarrhea
- Enlargement of the thyroid gland (swelling you can feel at the base of the neck)
- Fatigue, muscle weakness
- Protruding or bulging eyes
- Difficulty sleeping
- Thinning skin
- Brittle hair
It’s important to know that
you don’t have to experience all the
symptoms above in order to have an under- or overactive thyroid. Hypo- and
hyperthyroidism can manifest slightly differently in different people, so if
you find yourself nodding at more of the symptoms than not, you might want to
get yourself a proper thyroid assessment.
Testing Thyroid Hormones
The most important thing to
know is that if you suspect your thyroid is on the fritz, you must order a comprehensive
thyroid panel. You absolutely
must insist on this. Thyroid hormone testing is complex, and many doctors look
at only a fraction of the relevant measurements—a fraction that tells them
almost nothing. As a result, countless patients are told their lab values are
“normal,” yet they will continue to suffer from the sometimes debilitating
effects of under or overactive thyroid. Considering the impact on quality of
life when thyroid symptoms are severe, this is truly one of the great medical
tragedies of our time. (If this wasn’t common as heck, there wouldn’t be a
book called Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Lab Tests Are Normal. Seriously.
Someone wrote a book about this.)
In order to get a complete picture
of thyroid function, several different hormones must be measured. A proper
assessment of thyroid hormones can help guide treatment, because maybe there’s
a blockage in a particular pathway, or maybe the problem isn’t with the thyroid
gland at all, but somewhere else in the body, and the thyroid is simply
responding to that other issue. (More on this in part 3. I also recommend this video for a truly great breakdown of the various overlapping pathways and mechanisms related to thyroid function, and for understanding that in some cases, the dysfunction lies not with the thyroid gland, itself, but upstream or downstream of it.)
At a minimum, a comprehensive
thyroid panel will include:
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH): TSH is not produced by the thyroid gland, itself, but
rather, by the pituitary gland (located in the brain). It does exactly what it
sounds like it does: it stimulates the
thyroid to produce its hormones. TSH is often high in individuals with low
thyroid function: if the thyroid gland doesn’t respond by secreting its hormones,
more TSH is generated in order to send a more forceful signal. (Kind of like
insulin resistance: when your cells don’t respond properly to insulin, the
pancreas pumps out more of it in an effort to make them respond.) In less common cases of low thyroid function,
TSH will be low, which means the
thyroid gland doesn’t receive an adequate stimulus from the pituitary in the first place. Many doctors test only TSH when you ask for a thyroid test. This is semi-criminal in my opinion. Knowing
your TSH is helpful, but it doesn’t stand alone. You need several other pieces
of information to understand why TSH
is high or low. (This reminds me of what Dr. Eric Westman and Jimmy Moore said in their book, Cholesterol Clarity: knowing
your total cholesterol is about as useful as knowing that the total number of
runs scored in a baseball game was 13. Whoop-de-doo. Was it a 13-0 gutting by
one team, or was is a 7-6 nail-biter? Who won? The total score tells us nothing, just like knowing only your TSH is worthless to you.)
A TSH that’s high or low tells us only that TSH is high or low; it doesn’t
tell us why, so good luck correcting the underlying problem. For that, we need to
look at a couple of other hormones.
Thyroxine (T4): This is the primary hormone produced by the thyroid gland. It consists
mainly of the amino acid tyrosine bound to four atoms of iodine. (This is where
the “4” in T4 comes from.) T4 is not the most powerful form of thyroid hormone.
T4 is secreted into the blood, and other tissues must convert it to T3. T4 is
measured as total T4 (the total
amount of T4 in the blood) or free T4
(the amount of T4 that is unbound to a binding protein and thus “free” to perform
its actions). An enzyme called thyroid peroxidase (TPO) attaches iodine to the
tyrosine molecules in a protein called thyroglobulin, which we can think of as
a kind of proto-thyroid hormone, or a precursor to thyroid hormone. Thyroid peroxidase
is a heme protein, which means it
contains iron. [Like hemoglobin.] So
adequate iron is necessary for healthy thyroid hormone synthesis. There are multiple
reasons why fatigue is a hallmark of iron deficiency anemia; this is one of
Triiodothyronine (T3): T3 is the more potent or “bioactive” form of thyroid
hormone. It’s responsible for most of the effects we associate with healthy
thyroid function and an optimal metabolism. The thyroid secretes small amounts
of T3, but most T3 is produced from T4 in other parts of the body. The enzyme
that converts T4 to T3 is a de-iodinase—it removes one iodine atom from T4,
leaving 3. (This is where the “3” comes from in T3. Neat, huh?) This enzyme is
selenium-dependent, which is why you may have heard selenium is important for
thyroid function, in addition to the obvious iodine. As with T4, T3 is also
measured as total or free T3, with free T3 being a better indicator of thyroid
status than total T3. In my opinion, free T3 is the most telling measurement
when you’re experiencing signs of thyroid dysfunction, but that’s my personal
bias speaking. Other hormones are important too, but believe it or not, many
doctors don’t measure T3 at all! (Neither total nor free.) They measure TSH
only! The thinking is: if your TSH is normal, then your T3 is normal and your
thyroid is fine. (Because they assume that if your thyroid wasn’t fine, your T3 would be low, which would signal the pituitary
gland to pump out more TSH. But since the TSH is normal…) Well, let’s
get one thing clear right here: having a normal TSH does NOT mean your thyroid
is working properly. If your doctor has tested only TSH and told you your
thyroid “is fine,” yet you know damn well
you feel like crap and are living with multiple signs & symptoms of thyroid
dysfunction, you have a couple of options: politely request that your doctor
order the comprehensive thyroid panel we're talking about here, order one yourself
(which you can do via DirectLabs.com),
or GET A NEW DOCTOR. Don’t let a
well-intentioned but ignorant and incompetent physician be an obstacle to you
reclaiming your quality of life.
Reverse T3 (rT3): Think of this as a T3 impostor—it fits into the receptor for T3 but
doesn’t have the same hormonal effect. In effect, it blocks the real T3 from
doing its job. (It’s considered a “biologically inactive” form of T3.) I wish
they would call it impostor T3, because that might help us be more aware of
what it does. rT3 is sometimes elevated during periods of heavy stress or a
serious illness, as the body’s way of conserving energy. (Remember, thyroid
hormone—free T3, in particular—is responsible for how quickly our bodies burn
through energy. If you’re running around doing a million different things at
once with no breaks and no down time, from a biological/evolutionary
standpoint, that would be pretty dangerous. So rT3 comes along to force you to slow down. Or, rather,
since you won’t slow down, your body
will. Your heart will. Your brain will. Your colon will. So you’ll have a low heart rate. You’ll be depressed,
constipated, fatigued, and all the other fun stuff we associate with
hypothyroidism.) Reverse T3 often goes hand-in-hand with high cortisol. If
cortisol is the gas pedal, rT3 is the brake, trying to keep the car (your body)
from careening out of control.
Thyroid antibodies: These include thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies and thyroglobulin
antibodies (TgAb). Elevations in these indicate an autoimmune attack on the
thyroid gland, in which case the underlying problem is not actually in the
thyroid, but rather, with an overactive immune system. Autoimmunity that
results in hypothyroidism is called Hashimoto’s disease, and autoimmunity
leading to hyperthyroidism is known as Grave’s disease. I don’t know a whole
lot about these, so I won’t say much, except that if it’s determined that your
thyroid issue is autoimmune, you might want to consider a low carb, Paleo,
ketogenic, or autoimmune protocol diet (AIP), if you aren’t already doing one
of them. (Or if you’re already doing one of the former 3, you might want to
switch to the autoimmune protocol, which is the strictest.) It seems like every
time people hear about hypothyroid, they assume it’s Hashimoto’s. I do think
Hashi’s is very common and probably underdiagnosed, but my thyroid problem is not autoimmune, and not everyone else’s is,
either. (And thank goodness, actually, because the autoimmune origin issues are
much harder to treat effectively.)
Bottom line: Measuring TSH alone is worthless. The
various thyroid-related hormones are like a Rubik’s cube: they interact and
influence each other’s production, and it’s important to look at all of them in
order to help things fall into place.
(Anyone reading my blog old enough to remember the Rubik’s cube?)
Lab Ranges for Thyroid Hormones
The thing to keep in mind
when assessing your thyroid status is that “normal” is a relative term. Lab
ranges differ slightly between testing companies, so what’s considered low or high might be different, too. Depending on the lab used, the very same
value could be normal or out of range. The
key here is to go by your symptoms. The lab values are a guide, but how do you feel? More than the numbers
on a printout, your signs and symptoms should guide you and your doctor toward
the appropriate course of action. Far too many people with obvious signs
and symptoms of suboptimal thyroid function are told they’re “normal” and are
provided with no relief. This is probably more common for people why are
hypothyroid, rather than hyper. Some of the signs & symptoms of hypothyroid
can be (erroneously) attributed to other things. Weight gain, fatigue,
muscle weakness, depression: you just need to eat less and move more, fatty! Add
some fish oil to your post-workout protein shake while you’re at it—didn’t you
know exercise and omega-3 are both good for depression? Constipation? Eat more
fiber. All those fast food fries and sodas that are making you fat don’t have
any kale or chia or “roughage” to help you poop! You’re cold all the time? How
is that possible, lardass? With all that body fat to keep you insulated? You
must be making this up. Take an antidepressant and go on a diet, you lazy sack of crap. FFS. FFS,
people. FFS!! I want to take everyone who’s ever been treated this way by a
medical professional and give them a big, warm, long hug, and join them in a
cathartic cry. You deserve better care than this!
SO: even though lab ranges
are only a guide, here are the
basics, with the understanding that you might experience issues related to
hypo- or hyperthyroidism even if you fall
within the reference ranges.
Also, as is true for many
other measurable biomarkers, conventional allopathic medicine has its preferred
ranges, while functional medicine practitioners see things slightly
differently. You’ll notice that some of the ranges overlap, but some have slight
differences. Functional medicine practitioners typically interpret lab values
with an eye toward what is optimal, and what will have someone feeling their
best, rather than what some random laboratory has deemed “normal.” If you
experience signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction even though your lab
values fall within the normal range as defined by conventional medicine, you
might find resolution of symptoms by working with a functional medicine
specialist and using those ranges as a guide instead. (The ones here were
provided by Justin Marchegiani, DC. Also note that many labs use different units, so if you’re comparing your values against these,
make sure you’re comparing apples to apples.)
In the next post, we’ll look
at interactions between low carb diets and thyroid function. Some people with
hypothyroid issues find things magically get better when they go low carb or
keto, while others who start off feeling great find that, over time, they start
to have symptoms of low thyroid. What gives? Is it possible that a way of eating that has such wonderful benefits
for so much of the body could be harmful for the thyroid?
Find out next time.
In the meantime, this video from Bryan Walsh, ND, is one of the best explanations of the many different thyroid-related
hormones, where they’re made, and what they do. It is also one of the best
explanations of the different kinds of dysfunction that occur, why
they occur, and what to do about them. His comprehensive yet layperson-friendly look at the various feedback loops and control mechanisms is worth every bit of 40 minutes of your day if you suspect you have a thyroid
issue. (He even explains the weird, rare-ish issue I have, which I will explain in part 3.)
Disclaimer: Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, is not a
physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a medical practice. The information
contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
medical condition and is not to be used as a substitute for the care and
guidance of a physician. Links in this post and all others may direct you to
amazon.com, where I will receive a small amount of the purchase price of any
items you buy through my affiliate links.
Awesome article! I have an elevated TSH (around 8), but the rest of my thyroid panel shows everything else within normal limits. I also don't have any symptoms. So, that means I have subclinical hypothyroidism. I've had this for years, and continue to monitor it to be sure I don't develop frank hypothyroidism. I have even lost 52 pounds on keto since January 1, 2017. Twelve years ago, doctor convinced me to go on synthroid. I was on it for 8 years, until I decided to taper off of it. My insomnia improved, but other than that nothing changed other than my TSH rising outside the normal range. I see no sense in treating a number, especially if the treatment messes with my sleep.
ReplyDeleteAs long as you FEEL WELL, that's what matters, and not the numbers. It's so crazy...based solely on the lab values, people go on medication when they don't need it, and other people who DO need it don't get medicated. It's a jungle out there.
DeleteI must be lucky. Diagnosed 1 year ago with hypothyroid (non-Hashi)when I couldn't get off the sofa and just wanted to sleep all the time and woke up one day 4kg heavier than I'd been my whole adult life. Started with 50micrograms synthetic thyroxine - no change, doubled to 100 micrograms - felt myself again! Now taking 150 micrograms a day. I've almost lost all the weight, feel like I did before, and even grew eyebrows I didn't remember having. Blood tests suggest I'm slightly in the hyper range now, but doctor says go by how I feel and his exams (e.g. for sluggish reflexes, which I still have). I have been eating low carb for 5 years, and dabble in keto, so would love to hear the evidence for whether that's going to help or harm my thyroid health.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're doing better! Thyroid can really have such a huge impact in quality of life. And I LOVE hearing that your doctor goes by your symptoms, and not solely by the numbers. HALLELUJAH! You'll like the next post, I think. That will cover what you're looking for -- interactions between low carb and thyroid function.
DeleteMy girlfriend has had thyroid issues for years; I'm looking forward to part 2. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI hope she reads this! She might also like the book I mentioned in the post, as well as: stopthethyroidmadness.com
DeleteThanks for the detailed information. I'm looking forward to more. I like hearing about your personal experience because you are not saying everyone will be like you, but you are offering one valid experience.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Jeanne
Thanks for all the detailed information. I'm looking forward to more. It's helpful that you share your personal experience.
ReplyDeleteFound you via your discussion with Mike Moetz on his channel and came to your blog.(FASCINATING interview BTW, my mum has Alzheimers and i am overweight, hypothyroid...) So was very interested to find the first topic I see is about thyroid problems. I am diagnosed, and feel lots better on medication but still find it so difficult to lose weight. Have been low carbs for just a few days, so am at the sharp end re learning about keto/low carb eating , and interested to find out which would suit me best.
ReplyDeleteOh I suspect this is going to be good!
ReplyDeleteOne question I don't know if you have researched:-
I am one of those perverse hypERthroids, I'm told Graves, and I'm also fortunate that probably because there are so many old folks around our GPs seem to be well versed in thyroid issues. The Rule here in the UK is that thyroid is "normal" until TSH is in double figures, which is clearly ridiculous, and that only TSH should be tested.
Well they happily break both those Rules, I got my T4 and T3 done, but since they track the reciprocal of TSH closely, often not the case, I only get TSH now.
I am stable on the same dose on Carbimazole for anything between 6 and 12 months, but every so often my thyroid will go off on one, either suddenly drop like a stone or shoot off into the stratosphere, and I have to do some careful dose tinkering until it settles down again, which she permits me to do (I have 20mg tabs which can be split in two, and 5mg tabs which can also be split).
Ah yes, the question! During my most recent "episode" I had to go up from my usual dose, which averages 17.5 mg, up to 30 for a while, then up to 40mg before the damn thing went back on the rails, since when I have been carefully lowering the dose: currently I'm mostly subjectively back to "normal" on 25 - 30mg.
Most hypOthyroids I know need to be around TSH of 1 - 2 to feel truly normal. I actually do better keeping mine slightly suppressed, ie. TSH slightly high, which I suspect is because it spikes. In fact sometimes I feel like I have symptoms of both high and low simultaneously, so have you come across any research showing pulsatile or other rapid fluctuations in output?
It's a fact which should be better know that insulin output from the pancreas is actually pulsatile: I suspect it puts out a batch of insulin, then pauses and waits for a return signal before deciding how much insulin to put out in the next pulse.
If the thyroid also does this it might not only explain my "mixed state" but also some of the many whose numbers are truly normal but whose symptoms still aren't.
Hi there,
DeleteI'm not quite clear on what you're saying here, but yes, some people ping-pong back and forth between hypo and hyper symptoms. As for thyroid hormone secretion (or its stimulating pituitary and hypothalamic hormones) being pulsatile, it wouldn't surprise me. I know growth hormone (from the pituitary) is pulsatile, so maybe TSH (and others) are as well.
I think this is part of why thyroid dysfunction is so difficult to treat correctly, and when you do feel like it's being treated correctly, then things change and go off the rails again, as you've said here.
There are some good thyroid forums and Facebook groups. Have you ever asked this question somewhere else? I'd be interested in the responses.
Great article!
ReplyDelete(Since, you're talking about thyroid, please, mention Dr Ray Peat.)
Can't wait for the next article! I've shared all your info with as many people out there as I can to stop the suffering. It's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, my TSH was around 3.75 before keto; after, with a lot of fasting involved because I was 10 lbs from my goal, 8.25! But I felt great! Dr. freaked out though! Explain that one!
What timing for an article on Thyroid function. Just what I needed. Me and my mom had started a low to moderate carb diet to get out of metabolic syndrome. My mom (75yrs) who is diabetic and on metformin for many years was able to bring her hA1c from 6.4 to 5.6 over 10 months! lost a few pounds and she is feeling good.
ReplyDeleteBut at the same time her labs showed her TSH jump to be 9.2 (normal 0.4-5) after being normal all these years! Was perplexed why the change. was it the low carb (mostly no added sugar or processed food; eating home cooked food pretty much 90%)? we had also switched to no iodine salt too at home. maybe it was iodine deficiency? I will add iodine back into our diet for now as doc wants to retest in 2 months to make sure. Maybe I will get the whole thyroid panel done on my own for her as the our HMO only seems to run TSH! thank you for this article. very helpful for us to be informed on this.
I think part 2 of this series will help too, if you haven't already read it. I recommend the full thyroid panel, but even with a high TSH, if your mother *feels well,* that's what matters. Thyroid is much more complex than many MDs realize and unfortunately, when they go solely by the numbers on a lab printout, versus taking a few minutes to really *listen* to patients, asymptomatic people end up on medication, and people who have symptoms like crazy but whose numbers "are normal" *don't* get the help they need.
DeleteHere's part 2: http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2017/10/thyroid-part2.html
Thank you for very interesting information, my husband has a very low TSH (0.05) from more than 15 years. He is ok, symptoms free...but his thyroid gland is very big and polinodular...He is 60 years old, do you think he needs a surgery to remove his thyroid?
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate your feedback!
Thanks for writing. I'm not a doctor, so I can't comment on surgery. It's interesting that he's symptom-free though, if he has a visibly enlarged thyroid. I don't know what to tell you. Enlarged thyroid and nodules usually respond to supplemental iodine, but again, I can't recommend anything specifically since I'm not a physician. He can do an iodine loading test and see what his status is.
This pisses me off. I didn't know that high LDL or edema were hypothyroid symptoms.
ReplyDeleteMy current doctor actually ran the full panel and is treating my hashimoto's with T3 only (things seem to be going well). But I don't think he knows that high LDL is a symptom, either because he keeps trying to get me to take a statin - and this fall he didn't even run a cholesterol panel since I "won't do anything about it".
As for the edema - I spent too much time worrying about my heart because of it! My heart is fine, but I could have skipped the three cardiologists, eh?
I have hypothyroidism and taking Cytomel. My TPO Antibodies are 17 IU/ML. looks like i have hashimoto's. I also had a partial thyriodectomy in August of last year due to a large goiter.I also have hyperparathyroidism. I am vegan and on a low carb diet.
ReplyDeleteHi Amy, I guess the values are different in Canada because the above chart doesn't seem to fit. My most recent numbers when my doc checked (only) my TSH and Free T4 were TSH 2.19 (0.32-4.00) and Free T4 was 13 (9-19) and listed as "normal". Thanks to you, I now know that what a lab or doctor consider 'normal' may not always be the case, so you were the first person I thought of when I got my results. I don't feel I have any noticeable symptoms (though I definitely used to) so I was hoping you could say whether I was in your idea of a normal range. I know you're busy so if you can't reply it's not the end of the world ;-)
ReplyDeleteHi Terri, the main thing is *how you feel,* and it sounds like you feel well, so I wouldn't worry. I think it's more important to look at total and free T3, which you didn't give numbers for here. What you did provide here looks good, so things seem fine. If you feel well, that's the most important thing.
DeleteAmy, I have been listening to you on youtube for a couple of years, now. I enjoy you so much, and respect your work. You are such a wonderful and valuable person! You make me happy, just hearing you, no matter what your topic, AND you have a natural cure for depression: its just you! Works for me. You always lift me up. Guy
ReplyDeleteAwwa, THANK YOU, Guy! What a nice message. You made my day! :)
DeleteI really need to get back to blogging. Writing this kind of stuff really is my first love. I started doing videos because I knew I could reach a larger audience that way, but I honestly prefer writing.
I like this very much and hope you may take comfort and courage from it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbU4O-ZtvW0
Can you please add a link to part 2? :)
ReplyDeleteHere it is: http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2017/10/thyroid-part2.html
DeleteAnd here's part 3: http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2017/11/thyroid-part3.html
Thanks so much! I meant inside the article like you do with your others. I have linked a couple of ladies here and they have gotten lost. I did find the links and send them on but I thought it might be more helpful if they were on the bottom of the post like you do now :D. Great article by the way I hope your symptoms are still managed well and you're happy :D. Thanks for always fleshing things out in a way we can finally get it and put all the pieces we have together, it means a lot :D.
DeleteI just got a panel done today, and I forgot to not take my armour! Yikes/ But I still went and got it done. TSH is .81 (low), T4 is .71 (low) and my T3 is 4.8 )high)/. My dr. is establishment dr., not natural. I take 90 mg of armour right now. I wonder what changes I need to make? I do have weight gain, sluggish and a bit depressed sometimes. Pleae advise if you have any advice! Thank you Amy :)
ReplyDeleteWell, what was your doctor's advice about this? What was their interpretation of these numbers? Did they recommend any changes? Always ask a doctor WHY they recommend whatever they recommend -- and you don't just want the answer to be that your numbers are low or high. They should be your PARTNER in genuinely trying to reason out what is happening with your hormones. I DO have some thoughts for you but I would rather not post them publicly. It will be much easier if you contact me using the form here on this blog or you can copy & paste this link into a browser and contact me that way: https://stallslayer.com/contact-2/ (If you do this, just mention that you are the one who left this comment on the blog.)